Ensign Freight Limited 旗鋒貨運有限公司

(one company, total services and solutions)

Ensign Freight Limited 旗鋒貨運有限公司
電話: (852) 37626699
  • 本地物流
  • 中港物流
  • 國際速遞
  • 國際物流(海運, 空運)
  • 物流倉儲及配送
  • 包裝增值
地址: 香港新界葵涌貨櫃碼頭路88 號永得利廣場第1座21樓01-09室
網址: 「按此開啟連結」
  •   0
  •   0
  •   0

  • 總評分: N/A
  • 瀏灠次數: 9964


旗鋒 - 值得您信賴的物流合作夥伴


旗鋒一直秉承著公司設立的初衷 - “一家公司,全程服務及全面方案 ”。


作為一家成立已逾30年的專業物流公司, 旗鋒擁有獨特的專業優勢, 為您提供物流供應鏈策略、多樣化的運輸模式、專業的倉儲和配送服務,以及“一體化”的物流解決方案,用以解決各類物流難題。

配合中國的 “一帶一路” 政策,旗鋒提供鐵路運輸服務,以滿足顧客需求,貨物從亞洲運送到歐洲不同的國家。除傳統的空運和海運服務外,鐵路是一種“多式聯運”選項,有助優化整個供應鏈的成本效益。更為重要的是,我們能夠根據客戶的不同需求,度身設計有針對性的物流服務,以保障客戶利益的最大化。


專業服務包括 :



THE ENSIGN GROUP Your reliable and professional logistics partner in Asia

Since 1986, Ensign has been embracing its founding philosophy - one company, total services and solutions. Our dedicated staff and global network of agent partners have been working closely for the best interest of our customers. Today, Ensign has over 300 expertise with 18 offices located in Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam.

Ensign provides total supply chain solutions to meet traditional and complex customer needs. We have extensive expertise in complex logistics spanning multiple destinations, local delivery, ecommerce logistics, online shopping delivery, customs clearance, documentation management, warehousing & distribution and customized logistics solutions.


We are engaged in close and long-term relationships with major global carriers and airlines, enabling to offer reliable services at competitive rates. Meanwhile, our worldwide agent network spans across East and West, connecting our customers to the global market. We operate closely with our long-term partners, which enables us to offer full range of assistance to your entire daily needs.

Undoubtedly, Ensign is qualified to be your reliable and professional logistics services provider in proximity.  


Our Specialists:
Airfreight, Ocean Freight, Road & Rail Freight, Local Delivery, Ecommerce Logistics, Customs Clearance,
Purchase Order & Documentation Management, Warehousing & Distribution, Total Supply Chain Solutions

Major Export Market:

Intra Asia, Europe, Australia & New Zealand, North America and The Mediterranean


  • FIATA Certificate
  • IATA Certificate
  • Copper License (Civil Aviation Department)
  • ISO 9001:2008
  • NVOCC License
  • China Class A Forwarder License

Company Award:

  • Caring Company 2010-18
  • HK Awards for Environmental Excellence 2010-18
  • ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme 2017-18
  • MPFA’s Good MPF Employer 2016-17
  • HK’s Most Valuable Companies (HKMVC) Award for 2015
     Most Reliable Freight Forwarder

Professional Membership :
-    HAFFA   (Hong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding & Logistics Ltd)
-    HKGCC  (Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce)
-    HKLA      (Hong Kong Logistics Association)